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类模板 中,注入类名可以作为引用当前模板的模板名称使用,也可以作为引用当前实例化的类名称使用。


[编辑] 解释

类作用域 中,当前类或当前类模板的类名被视为一个公共成员名;这被称为注入类名。该名称的声明点紧随类(模板)定义的左花括号。

int X;
struct X
    void f()
        X* p;   // OK, X is an injected-class-name
        ::X* q; // Error: name lookup finds a variable name, which hides the struct name
template<class T>
struct Y
    void g()
        Y* p;    // OK, Y is an injected-class-name
        Y<T>* q; // OK, Y is an injected-class-name, but Y<T> is not


struct A {};
struct B : private A {};
struct C : public B
    A* p;   // Error: injected-class-name A is inaccessible
    ::A* q; // OK, does not use the injected-class-name

[编辑] 在类模板中



否则,它被视为类型名,等效于模板名后跟类模板的模板参数,并用 <> 括起来。

template<template<class, class> class>
struct A;
template<class T1, class T2>
struct X
    X<T1, T2>* p;   // OK, X is treated as a template-name
    using a = A<X>; // OK, X is treated as a template-name
    template<class U1, class U2>
    friend class X; // OK, X is treated as a template-name
    X* q;           // OK, X is treated as a type-name, equivalent to X<T1, T2>

在类 模板特化偏特化 的作用域内,当注入类名用作类型名时,它等效于模板名后跟类模板特化或偏特化的模板参数,并用 <> 括起来。

struct X<void, void>
    X* p; // OK, X is treated as a type-name, equivalent to X<void, void>
    template<class, class>
    friend class X; // OK, X is treated as a template-name (same as in primary template)
    X<void, void>* q; // OK, X is treated as a template-name
template<class T>
struct X<char, T>
    X* p, q; // OK, X is treated as a type-name, equivalent to X<char, T>
    using r = X<int, int>; // OK, can be used to name another specialization


class X<int, char>
    class B
        X a;            // meaning X<int, char>
        template<class, class>
        friend class X; // meaning ::X
template<class T>
struct Base
    Base* p; // OK: Base means Base<T>
template<class T>
struct Derived : public Base<T*>
    typename Derived::Base* p; // OK: Derived::Base means Derived<T>::Base,
                               // which is Base<T*>
template<class T, template<class> class U = T::template Base>
struct Third {};
Third<Derived<int>> t; // OK: default argument uses injected-class-name as a template


template<class T>
struct Base {};
template<class T>
struct Derived: Base<int>, Base<char>
    typename Derived::Base b;         // error: ambiguous
    typename Derived::Base<double> d; // OK

[编辑] 注入类名和构造函数


在限定名称 C::D 中,如果

  • 名称查找不忽略函数名称,并且
  • 在类 C 的作用域内查找 D 会找到其注入类名

限定名称始终被认为是命名C的构造函数。这样的名称只能在构造函数的声明中使用(例如在友元构造函数声明中、构造函数模板特化中、构造函数模板实例化中或构造函数定义中)或者用于继承构造函数(自 C++11 起)

struct A
    template<class T>
    A(T) {}
using A_alias = A;
A::A() {}
A_alias::A(int) {}
template A::A(double);
struct B : A
    using A_alias::A;
A::A a;         // Error: A::A is considered to name a constructor, not a type
struct A::A a2; // OK, same as 'A a2;'
B::A b;         // OK, same as 'A b;'

[编辑] 缺陷报告

以下更改行为的缺陷报告被追溯应用于之前发布的 C++ 标准。

DR 应用于 已发布的行为 正确行为
CWG 1004 C++98 注入类名称不能
CWG 2637 C++98 整个模板 ID 可以是注入类名称 只有模板名称可以