

来自 cppreference.com
< cpp‎ | io‎ | strstreambuf
void freeze( bool freezefl = true );
(C++98 中已弃用)
(C++26 中已移除)

如果缓冲区使用动态分配,则将流的冻结状态设置为 freezefl.

当流被冻结时,overflow() 不会重新分配缓冲区,并且 析构函数 不会释放缓冲区(从而导致内存泄漏)。


[编辑] 参数

freezefl - 要设置的冻结状态的新值

[编辑] 返回值


[编辑] 备注

每次调用 str() 都会冻结流以保留其返回的指针的有效性。 要允许析构函数释放缓冲区,需要显式调用 freeze(false).

[编辑] 示例

在这个示例中,底层数组的初始分配为 16 字节。

#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
int main()
        std::strstream dyn; // dynamically-allocated read/write buffer
        dyn << "Test: " << 1.23; // note: no std::ends to demonstrate append behavior
        std::cout << "dynamic buffer holds " << dyn.pcount() << " characters: '";
        std::cout.write(dyn.str(), dyn.pcount()) << "'\n";
        // the buffer is now frozen, further output will not make the buffer grow
        dyn << "more output, hopefully enough to run out of the allocated space"
            << std::ends;
        std::cout << "After more output, it holds "
                  << dyn.pcount() << " characters: '" << dyn.str() << "'\n";
        dyn.freeze(false); // unfreeze before destructor
    } // memory freed by the destructor
        char arr[20];
        std::ostrstream st(arr, sizeof arr); // fixed-size buffer
        st << 1.23; // note: no std::ends to demonstrate append behavior
        std::cout << "static buffer holds "
                  << st.pcount() << " characters: '";
        std::cout.write(st.str(), st.pcount());
        std::cout << "'\n";
        st << "more output, hopefully enough to run out of the allocated space"
           << std::ends;
        std::cout << "static buffer holds "
                  << st.pcount() << " characters: '";
        std::cout.write(st.str(), st.pcount());
        std::cout << "'\n";
    } // nothing to deallocate, no need to unfreeze,


dynamic buffer holds 10 characters: 'Test: 1.23'
After more output, it holds 16 characters: 'Test: 1.23more o'
static buffer holds 4 characters: '1.23'
static buffer holds 20 characters: '1.23more output, hop'

[编辑] 参见

(std::strstream 的公有成员函数) [编辑]
(std::ostrstream 的公有成员函数) [编辑]
析构 strstreambuf 对象,选择性地释放字符数组
(虚拟公有成员函数) [编辑]
(虚拟受保护的成员函数) [编辑]