std::chrono::year_month_day::operator+=, std::chrono::year_month_day::operator-=
< cpp | chrono | year month day
constexpr std::chrono::year_month_day& operator+=( const std::chrono::years& dy ) const noexcept; |
(1) | (自 C++20) |
constexpr std::chrono::year_month_day& operator+=( const std::chrono::months& dm ) const noexcept; |
(2) | (自 C++20) |
constexpr std::chrono::year_month_day& operator-=( const std::chrono::years& dy ) const noexcept; |
(3) | (自 C++20) |
constexpr std::chrono::year_month_day& operator-=( const std::chrono::months& dm ) const noexcept; |
(4) | (自 C++20) |
通过持续时间 *this 表示的时间点 dy 或 dm 进行修改。
1) 等同于 *this = *this + dy;.
2) 等同于 *this = *this + dm;.
3) 等同于 *this = *this - dy;.
4) 等同于 *this = *this - dm;.
对于可以转换为 std::chrono::years 和 std::chrono::months 的持续时间,如果调用在其他情况下会导致歧义,则首选 years
重载 (1,3)。
[编辑] 示例
#include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <iostream> int main() { constexpr auto monthsInYear{12}; auto ymd{std::chrono::day(1)/std::chrono::July/2020}; std::cout << "#1 " << ymd << '\n'; ymd -= std::chrono::years(10); std::cout << "#2 " << ymd << '\n'; assert(ymd.month() == std::chrono::July); assert(ymd.year() == std::chrono::year(2010)); ymd += std::chrono::months(10 * monthsInYear + 11); std::cout << "#3 " << ymd << '\n'; assert(ymd.month() == std::chrono::month(6)); assert(ymd.year() == std::chrono::year(2021)); // Handling the ymd += months "overflow" case. ymd = std::chrono::May/31/2021; // ok std::cout << "#4 " << ymd << '\n'; assert(ymd.ok()); ymd += std::chrono::months{1}; // bad date: June has only 30 days std::cout << "#5 " << ymd << '\n'; assert(not ymd.ok()); assert(ymd == std::chrono::June/31/2021); // Snap to the last day of the month, June 30: const auto ymd1 = ymd.year()/ymd.month()/std::chrono::last; std::cout << "#6 " << ymd1 << '\n'; assert(ymd1.ok()); assert(ymd1 == std::chrono::June/30/2021); // Overflow into the next month, July 1 (via converting to/from sys_days): const std::chrono::year_month_day ymd2 = std::chrono::sys_days{ymd}; std::cout << "#7 " << ymd2 << '\n'; assert(ymd2.ok()); assert(ymd2 == std::chrono::July/1/2021); }
#1 2020-07-01 #2 2010-07-01 #3 2021-06-01 #4 2021-05-31 #5 2021-06-31 is not a valid date #6 2021/Jun/last #7 2021-07-01
[编辑] 另请参阅
(C++20) |
添加或减去 year_month_day 和一些年数或月数(函数) |